Fit & Natural- Swimming
Question: I’m contemplating going natural so I spoke with my stylist about it and let him know that I am very active in swimming. He emphasized that it is best I keep my hair permed while swimming. We have been going back and forth about this recommendation. Any thoughts on what I should do?
Yes- go natural! I must say that I am a little concerned that you have to convince your stylist that the hair that grows out of your head is fit for living an active lifestyle. While chlorine water is harsh on hair, it’s even more harsh when the hair is chemically treated. Here are 5 steps that you can take to ensure healthy hair while maintaining a healthy lifestlye! 1. Ensure you wear a cap that fits your head. I would recommend a silicone cap. Unlike latex, silicone creates great slip, allowing you to comfortably put on your cap without tangling your hair. 2. Since no water cap is completely resistant, you want to make sure you lightly condition the ends of your hair (about the first 5 inches), then wet the rest of your hair. This will create a vacuum which will suck the cap closer to your head, and if chlorine water does enter the cap the water has already filled your hair shaft and the conditioner has sealed/coated the weakest point of your hair strands. 3. After your swim, make sure to water rinse your hair under lukewarm water for 1-2 minutes, then wash with quality shampoo (capable of removing chlorine). 4. Use a moisturizing leave-in conditioner (Untie the Knot™ Nourishing Leave-In Conditioner is a great option). 5. Avoid or minimize the use of styles/styling tools that require you to apply heat to your hair (at least during times in which you'll be swimming often). Enjoy your swim!