Curls 101: How to cleanse curls, coils and waves


Hey there, curlies, coiles and wavies! Fall is definitely in the cool air, and we’re celebrating the gorgeous season by sharing how you can care for your own unique tresses! Today’s Curls 101 blog kicks it back to the basics of curl care that you simply have to know: how to cleanse! Pull out that adorable notebook, bonus points for #fallvibes, because you’ll want to remember this stuff! 

When you start to cook a delicious meal, it’s ideal to begin with a clean kitchen. The best curly, coily and wavy results follow suit! Heads up, #TreLuxeTribe, it’s seriously mission impossible, yup, we said it: impossible, to get gorgeous results without properly and regularly cleansing your hair. We have a info-packed Q & A coming your way! And you might be wondering where we found our fabulous cleansing-focused questions? Well … you! 

We scoured our vibrant Facebook Group: ​TrèLuxe Curl Care Community and took in many fantastic questions via customer service inquiries too. All of this added up to a trove of valuable cleansing-focused questions. Then what? We looped in with Tracey, our secret weapon here at TréLuxe! She’s been a licensed cosmetologist for 9 years and guess what curlies? With all of that experience, and a million hair care opportunities at her fingertips, she chooses to be part of #TeamTréLuxe and is still a practicing cosmetologist too. Scrub a dub dub, curlies, and come along for the #washday fun!

The bottle says Gentle Cleansing Rinse, is that the same as a shampoo?

It’s very similar. A cleansing rinse is milder than a shampoo with a lower PH level to not strip the hair of natural moisture. Shampoos can be made with all different types of ingredients that can be harmful on your hair, strip your color, dry out your hair, leave buildup. Meanwhile, the cleansing rinse is moisturizing with gentle surfactants that are derived from coconuts. You can be sure the cleansing rinse will clean your scalp and hair strands but not damage your hair. 

Q: Does the cleansing rinse work on all curl types? 
A: Absolutely. Though you don't get much of a lather, you don't need a lather to cleanse your hair. Typically many people think that if your hair isn’t getting sudsy when washing it that you are not cleaning it and it is still dirty. This is absolutely not the case. 

Q: How much of the cleansing rinse should I use while washing?
A: I would recommend starting with 1-2 pumps. If your hair is thicker and longer, I would suggest adding in 1 more pump as you go through your hair. 

Q: How often should I use the cleansing rinse?
A: This is tricky. I always say that it depends on how often you wash your hair, how much product you are using, what type of products you are using. There are so many factors in this. With curlies, I say that it's best to cleanse your hair at least once a week.

Q: How many times should I repeat the cleansing process?
A: This also depends on how many times a week you are washing your hair. I always suggest at least 2-3 times. If you are going longer than a week, this could be 4-5 times. The first wash you do with a cleanser is for cleansing your scalp. The second wash should be to cleanse your hair strands.


Watch and Learn! We love how Nidhi takes care to cleanse both her scalp and her strands. Check out the cleansing rinse in action! 

Q: I don’t like this cleansing rinse, because I am not getting any suds, help! 
A: I totally get it. You want to see the suds because many of us were raised if you don’t see the suds, it isn’t clean or that your hair is still dirty. This is not the case. The cleansing rinse will have a little bit of suds, but suds do not show whether the product is working. As long as you are working it through your scalp to the ends and shampooing at least 2-3 times (depending on how often you wash your hair) your hair is clean! 

Q: What’s the difference between a low-poo and a regular shampoo?
A: I love the word “low-poo.” There is no large difference, just that a low-poo is a healthy way to wash and maintain your hair for curlies. These keep the hair and scalp healthy. Low-poo is free of any harmful ingredients in shampoos such as parabens, sulfates and silicones. A regular shampoo can have harmful ingredients in them and can be damaging to hair, especially curlies. The cleansing rinse is a low-poo! 

Q: Why is it important for curlies, coilies and wavies to choose a low-poo?
A: Low-poo shampoos help with the promotion of natural curl patterns, clumping of curl strands, and the natural preservation of curl integrity. Cleansing is critical to curl success, but over cleansing can create an even oiler scalp,causing more interference with wash day success.

Q: Will the cleansing rinse make my color fade?
A: Heeeccckkkk no!!!! The cleansing rinse is color safe, children safe and free of any harmful chemicals that would hurt your color. 

Q: I opt for a no-poo routine and co-wash regularly, why do I even need to cleanse?
A: Having a healthy scalp is the most important thing. If you want your curls healthy, this starts at your scalp. If your scalp is cleansed and healthy, this will bring healthy hair. We do not recommend co-washing, because it will not provide sufficient cleansing for your scalp or strands. 

Q: Does the cleansing rinse help with tangles?
A: YES! Tangles are actually created by lack of moisture in your hair. The cleansing rinse is extremely moisturizing and prevents tangling in hair.

Q: Do I need to add moisture after shampooing? 
A: I always recommend using a conditioner and a leave-in conditioner, especially with curlies. Curly hair needs moisture. This is not going to weigh you down, this actually helps control frizz. 

Q: What TreLuxe products are recommended for moisture after using the cleansing rinse? What are the differences between these products? 
A: Restorative Protein Mask - The protein mask is great for breakage in hair. This is great for anyone who has lightener in their hair (highlights, bleach touch up), this is great for boosting limp hair. This is great for wavies and curlies. 

Ultra Moisturizing Deep Conditioner - This is honestly great for everyone as a treatment, but this is especially great for those who have extremely dry hair. This addresses dryness and dullness in hair. Mmmm … my fave!! 

Untie the Knot Nourishing Leave-In Conditioner - This is a versatile product and can either be rinsed out or you can use this as a leave-in on top of your conditioner.

Watch and Learn! Melissa talks us through her cleansing process and shares great tips along the way. Don’t miss it!

Q: Is the cleansing rinse safe to use on children? Is it tear-free?
A: Oh my goodness YES to all. This is great on children! 

Q: I have matting, yikes! How can the cleansing rinse help?
A:The cleansing rinse has detangling agents to help with this! I would suggest using a deep conditioner and leave-in conditioner for extra help after cleansing along with a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush to help with the detangling! 

Q: My scalp is itchy, is that a sign that I am due for a cleanse?
A: Itchy scalps are normal, especially in the winter months. My key is if it's been longer than 7 days since you’ve washed your hair it is time to wash it. 

Watch and Learn! Sarah starts with two pumps, gets some serious suds, and ends by sharing how the cleanser never causes flakes. Hit play for all of the squeaky clean deets!  

Whether you’re a newbie to the natural curl care community or have already spent a few years trying to figure out this whole curl thing, we hope that this cleansing rinse info will help you to move forward on your textured hair journey. These straight-from-a-stylist tips plus seeing the cleansing rinse in action can equip you to find the best cleansing rhythm for your tresses. Now, go wash your hair, at least twice, lol. 

Did we miss a burning question you have about the cleansing rinse? Let us know in the comments and we can keep the curl convo going! And be sure to check back here soon as we have so much incredible Curls 101 videos and info coming your way. Can’t wait for the next blog post? Hop on Instagram, TikTok or Facebook as we’re sharing there soon too!  

Oct 03, 2024

Next Story Curls 101: The Difference in the TréLuxe Conditioners

1 comment

Thank you for the info. I really appreciated the short videos, because I grasp it easier seeing, versus just reading.


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